Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Way Behind...

I've had oh so many more important things to do than blog lately. Like organize my tupperware. And my armoire/office supply cabinet. And the laundry closet. For those of you who think I'm kidding, think again. I love this stuff and the beginning of a new year gives me the excuse to do it and look (to the rest of the non-twitchy world) as a normal person.
A summary of late. December was a whirl. We visited the bears downtown (an annual tradition).
We participated in a Gingerbread House building "contest" at a friend's house (a GREAT family fun event that I would recommend everyone suggest that someone else hosts :) ) Our house was purposefully designed in a "green" theme- complete with a roof that slid off to one side. That was on purpose, I promise.
The girls actually "got" Christmas this year. We spent Christmas Eve with my parents, grandparents and Uncle James. They may well have gotten more presents there than they did the next morning at home.

On New Year's Eve, we had friends over for an annual game night and this year we braved putting eight kids to sleep in our (LITTLE) house. Believe it or not, it worked! Here is how the littlest arrived. I'm told both he and his 2 year old brother were originally in this shopping bag, but I was too slow with the camera to gather proof.
Until next Christmas!

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