Monday, January 4, 2010


Brett has often accused me of being "addicted to the computer". Probably a fair statement at times (this particular time included), but I think I'm in control. Addicted, no. Dependent, yes. Our dinosaur of a computer kicked the bucket for the second time last week. I just got it back after five long days of twitchyness. It's not like I'm sitting on top of the thing fiddle-farting around on stupid websites all day but, wow, I realize how many things I use it for. A friend called to tell me an author that we both like has a new book coming out. Could I get to the library's website to reserve a copy? No. Could I check to see what time REI opens? Check my bank balance? Or, even more importantly, check Facebook?? No, no and NO. Aaaak!
Oh well. Shane the Computer Guy fixed us up again and we should be able to survive until tax refund time. Of course, I had more "mental blogs" lined up than ever but could I post them? Of course not! I'll get to that soon. Until then, know that our Christmas was fun, New Year's was also fun and the return of preschool is even more fun!

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