Saturday, October 3, 2009

September wrap-up

We seem to have sped through the last half of our month and *poof* here we are in October. Since returning from the beach, we've started back to school, started soccer, started gymnastics and been teased and taunted by hints of fall weather. Since the birthday party I haven't gotten my camera out much so I don't have any more Pulitzer-prize winning photographs to share. Instead, here are a few thoughts and experiences we've had lately.
  • A four-year-old and a three-year-old fight about the stupidest things. "She took my baaaaaby doll!!!" "She told me it's raining outside!!!" "You're only in the three-year-old class and I'm four!!!" (??)
  • A four-year-old will argue with a fence post. "Mommy, what are we doing after lunch?" "We're going to the library." "No we're not."; "Mommy, can we go swing outside?" "Yes, but we have to wait until Daddy finishes cutting the grass." "He's NOT cutting the grass!" (cue Brett walking by the back door behind the mower); "Mommy, is Texas playing today?" "No, they don't play again until next week." "No, they play tomorrow."
  • Our next-door-neighbor recently scalped the 20-year-growth huge bushes that a) provided us a significant amount of afternoon shade and b) provided us a very necessary screen between our yard and his. If I were to chronicle this clown's antics over the last 6 years you'd be blown away. This last maneuver is likely to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Stay tuned to see if I call the city and report him for a falling-down fence around his pool/property that isn't up-to-code. Yes, I'm that vindictive right now.
  • Brett and I are a month into our new workout routine. Check out your local infomercial channel for TMI on P90X and there you have it. I actually like it- it forces me to work out almost every day. Some days, though, I have to do the workout during the day when the kids are here- they LOVE it! Makena jumps around doing "tires" and little Heismann poses and they will both sit through almost the entire ab routine. Hilarious!
  • Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), since most evenings are taken up with jumping around the living room like fools (ie- P90X), we're way behind on our fall TV. What sad little lives we live.
I don't have any more gems for now (aren't you glad?). I think of great and witty things to post during most days but, as you can see, don't manage to get around to posting them. I'll try to be better in October.

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