Sunday, October 4, 2009

Garden update

I know you've been waiting for this one! We closed the books on our summer garden about three weeks ago. The tomatoes were still going, although not strong; the bell peppers were on their last leg; the jalapenos are actually still up there (couldn't stand to toss them- they're producing like crazy) was the okra that was killing me. Our six okra plants were each over six feet high! I was harvesting a least five or six pods every day. We've got more okra in our freezer than I know what to do with- if I call you for a new gumbo recipe, you'll know why.
A good chunk of the reason Brett and I decided to start P90X was because of the ridiculous amounts of fried okra we ate this summer. I mean- yum!- but not so good for the waistlines.
Anyway- we've planted what will have to pass as a fall garden for now. I was surprised at how hard it was to find seedlings for fall veggies. We really only have a mix of lettuces and broccoli but, with eight broccoli plants out there, we've got our veggies covered for a while.
And, for good measure, here's a picture of our newly naked fenceline. Those outbuildings you see in the background are two neighbors' away. We can see clear across clown-neighbor's yard and intrusively into the yards of two people we've never been privy to before. Be sure to take note of the falling-down fence- this picture just happens to include a section of the fence where all the rungs are present. Not intact, but present. There are other sections that have only two, one and even no rungs at all. That's not an illegal hazard or anything. Pool. State law. I'm just sayin'.
Here's the best picture I could find with the bushes in their former state of shade-and-screen-providing loveliness.


Jane said...

your garden looks great - ours didn't do that well this year - we will try again next year.
and for your bush issue. With 2 small children you have ever right to call about his fence/pool issue. Call , make him fix it and then put up knock out roses so you don't have to see it.

The Balog Family said...

great garden!! we still have our summer crop albeit they are on their way out. we haven't decided what to do for fall/winter yet. i lOVE that you did okra!! i keep asking robb for that - yuuummmmmm!!