Monday, July 6, 2009

Kure Beach

We just returned from a 5-day trip to Kure Beach, NC. Some of our friends graciously invited us to share their beach house with them and we took them up on their offer. We had a ball! As with most things, the logistics of going to the beach continue to get easier with each passing year. This was our very first beach trip that didn't include a Pack-n-Play, baby gate and suitcase full of diapers (cue the Hallelujah Chorus).
We spent hours on the beach, visited Ft. Fisher (a Civil War fort), went to the aquarium and drove into Wilmington to watch the fireworks show shot from the deck of the USS North Carolina (which is a future must-do trip). Here are a few pictures.
Reese (and usually Addie) ran away from the waves like the best of them
it's truly amazing how much sand they transported in their swimsuits back up to the house
climbing on a civil-war-era anchor at Ft. Fisher
all the girls at the aquarium (minus Cassidy- who, by Makena's definition, isn't a girl, she's a lady)

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