Monday, June 15, 2009

Garden update

I know you've all been waiting with eager anticipation for an update on our garden. I promised fewer plant pictures and I will hold to that promise (for now). We've gotten four or five huge zucchinis and one pretty big cucumber so far. There are so many Roma Tomatoes dragging the tomato plant branches down that I'm not sure what we're going to do when they all ripen! The okra plants got their second wind and are fighting their over-zealous neighboring zucchini leaves- I'm hoping for a bumper crop (did you know okra plants have beautiful flowers?). There are probably seven or eight bell peppers that are almost ready to pick and the first of the jalapenos are there.
The kids love checking out what stages the various plants are in. We spent a little time up there this afternoon pruning some weak branches and pulling a few stray weeds. Reese spent her time inspecting the tomato plants and, each time she spied a new bunch, shrieked "Mommy, Mommy come look at the manatoes!!"
Here are our zucchini models- Makena with our two biggest so far
And Reese with an unfortunately shaped one I called "fat boy"
And a bonus picture just because I think she's cute holding squash.

1 comment:

amanda said...

I, for one, love the garden updates! I've always wanted a vegetable garden but am afraid I couldn't keep anything alive. Those are some amazing results you've had! :)