Friday, February 6, 2009

More Pet Peeves

Cigarette Litterers: one of these days I'm going to run my mouth to the wrong person and get decked. What gives you the idea that you have the right to throw your slobbery, germ infested, stinky, still smoldering cigarette butt anywhere you choose?
People with one child who use two-seater grocery carts: you know who you are. You're the person who walks by me with your kid sitting in both sides of one of the three available two-kid carts at our Harris Teeter while I'm trying to wrestle the carton of eggs out of the hands of the one child of mine who is now forced to sit in the food section of my regular cart. You're probably also the one writing a check in the self-checkout lane.
Single drivers who park at the Y: invariably, the people who get the prime (ie- not 100 yards from the door) parking spots at the Y are single men. Are they toting children with them? No. Do they see the dozens of moms struggling to schlep two+ children in ballet costumes or leotards in from the West Texas section of the parking lot (often while it's 30 degrees outside)? Yes. Do they change their behavior? No. Are they forever driving monster trucks (do you really need a Hummer to tackle the rough terrain of South Charlotte?). Of course.

OK. I'm done with my judgemental, entitlement-laden post for the day.


The Balog Family said...

OK...1.I just figured out I could comment on these things and 2. I now know this because I just saw your comment on my preschool entry! Too fun!
So, I am adding to the Pet Peeves list...when a mom knowingly brings her sick kid to school, church or even the grocery store as she/he hacks, sneezes, coughs, wipes and runs all the while putting all those lovely germies down where other unsuspecting children and parents pick them up and bring them home to enjoy for the next 3 weeks!!

Jane said...

I am the mother who lets my one youngest child set in the fun cart made for two at Harris Teeter - BUT if I am heading in and a mother with 2 is headed in at the same time - I will let that mom have it first. I am also quick to let the mom with the crying kid go in front of me in any line. I promised that when I got passed the crying kids in line stage - I would show mercy to other mothers with crying kids.

I hate the Y parking!