Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cholesterol for everyone!

I broke my first double-yolk egg last weekend! Good luck? One would hope! Then I broke my second. And my third. And my fourth. Odd. I am usually proud to trumpet the "hormone free"/"free range"/"cage free/"verging on vegan without actually making that commitment" benefits of shopping at Trader Joe's. This time, however, Brett and I are raising our collective eyebrows at the fact that the first four of our latest dozen eggs purchased there have ALL been double-yolks.

If we don't die of heart attacks, we will follow up when we find out if the remaining eight eggs were also laid by She-Ra, the A-Rod of chickens.
Egg #3
Egg #4 (not quite as pretty but you get the idea)

1 comment:

amanda said...

Wow - I've never broken a double yolk before!! You are lucky. :)