Thursday, June 3, 2010

Barbie, the Working Girl

With the recent ability to move our furniture back into its rightful homes, the girls have taken to playing with their Barbies on a new shelf. This shelf has two wicker baskets that serve as great ladders/climbing walls/pirate ship rope ladders for various toys to "climb" up. Imagine, if you will, dolls with legs and arms stuck into open spots of the baskets. Reese is still a little bit in the phase where she names an object by its function (ie- scissors could easily be called "cutters").
So here's what I hear this morning. Makena is standing at the shelf and Reese is in the living room.
Makena: Reese! Come bring your dolls in here!
Reese: (grabbing a Barbie) Hold on! Let me get this hooker out of my room!

1 comment:

Shelbi said...

*giggle snort*
p.s. I owe you a phone call.