I remember uttering the phrase "we're done with Target furniture- we're adults now" many years back. Silly me. I'm not quite sure what delusions of Ethan Allen grandeur were traipsing through my head at the time, but they're long gone now. I like to think I made that statement before Target stampeded into the realm of Ethan Allen and Pottery Barn knock-offs.
I bought two floor lamps at Target seventy-hundred years ago when I lived in Greensboro. They were $10 each and fit my needs (and budget) perfectly. They moved with me to my apartment in Charlotte; they stayed in the apartment when Brett moved in; and they moved with us into our house in 2003. They've faithfully, unobtrusively and non-offensively lit our living room ever since. Brett complains about them every now and then but, come on, let's look at our priority list and find out where "find and buy lamps to replace perfectly good lamps" falls. Somewhere south of "touch up paint along baseboards in closets".
Well, part and parcel to the decision to add on to the house was the decision to stay in this house another 6-8 years. That led to the decision to join the 21st century and get a flat-panel tv hung above the fire place, which led to the necessity of a media cabinet (from Target!), which led to the selling of the old tv cabinet, which led to...which led to...which led to...........lamps. Part of it was the fact that Brett (and a few other friends) shamed me into it, but here we are with two super-cool new table lamps and two new floor lamps. Yes, they're basically the same- just a little less chincy (we need that style to provide our big-dark- living room with enough light). Since my $10 variety lasted me 10 years, these $30 guys better live up to their predecsssors and make it 30!
(one of the old ones- yes, I know I should have turned it off before taking the picture- just deal)
If you're actually reading this, I'd like you to leave a comment and admit what piece of college (or nearly college) furniture you're still utilizing. I know I'm not the only one with $10 Target lamps out there!
of course we are srill using college cabinet from Ed in Laura's room. Works quite well!
Is it bad that I barely looked at the lamps because I was too busy straining my eyes to see the pictures in all of the frames? Yes, I'm lame.
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