Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Brett's Vacation to Atlanta

I've been looking forward to this stretch of three days for a week. Really, I've been looking forward to it ever since I realized how much juggling is required with Brett recovering at home and unable to drive. less schedule to coordinate during what is possibly the busiest week I've had in a long time. How relaxing! Wrong.
At approximately 4:30am during my first night of sleeping diagonally across the bed, Reese starts crying for me "Mommy! I throwed up in my bed!". Oh goody! After a little midnight laundry and a decision to let her "sleep" with me, we were all back to bed.
This morning she waffled between "I feel fine, I want to go to school" (she was pretty convincing) and "my tummy hurts". I had to finish getting Makena and me ready for the day so I instructed Reese to lay on the floor in the bathroom just in case. Five minutes later she bounds into my bathroom with joyful news "Mommy! I throwed up in the potty!" "Good job! You're not going to school."
I promise not to bore you with the details, just know that we were a mere half a mile from home (after a significant amount of running around that had to be done) when she lost the only thing she had eaten that day. A marshmallow. Not a little one. A big one. Please don't ask me why I let her eat a marshmallow. Sometimes my judgement is questionable.
Jacket, carseat, upholstered car floor. Yea again! Did I mention that a) we don't have a garage and b) it's 40 and raining here today? Oh and c) I have, until this point, managed not to have to install/uninstall carseats? Life lessons are best not learned while hunched half-over into a car during a cold rain.
Here's a good life lesson for all the parents out there (courtesy of my very clever friend, Courtney L.). Keep a ziploc bag (a big one!) in the seat pocket in front of each kid's car seat. Voila! Instant barf bag! You just have to remember either to hand it to a might-be-pukey kid early just in case or be really quick on the draw to get it out of the seat pocket, open and into said kid's hands. I, unfortunately, was neither.

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