Wednesday, January 7, 2009

da Bears and Pull Ups

Last month, we made our annual (two years running makes it "annual" right?) trip downtown to see the animatronic bear symphony that has become something of a Charlotte Christmas institution. We made an adventure of it with our friends the Benders and the Johnstons by taking the light rail downtown, then stopping at Pike's for lunch on the way home. Much fun was had by all!
Here was the wrench Reese threw at me that morning. She insisted on making that day the first day she was ready to wear panties. Keep in mind- I've been dreading the onset of potty training her since Makena was such a challenge, so I hadn't been pushing her to start. Hmmmm...let's take stock of our day. 15 minutes in the car with no available potty. 25 minutes (plus potential wait-time at the station) on the light rail with no availale potty. 5 minute walk through downtown, 45 minutes standing watching the bears (potty available, but at least 50 yards + 1 escalator away), another 15 minutes on the train to the restaurant (POTTY!!), more train then back in the car. This was not looking good. We compromised with a pull-up and, wouldn't you know, she is a dream potty-trainer! Yippee!!
Here are a few of our favorite pictures from our adventure.
Makena and Reese staring at the bears
Cade and Makena- we're in favor of this pairing!
All the kids at lunch- Reese, Cade, Reece, Makena- they did so well!
The after-effects of milkshakes...although one would think three women would be every man's dream...the next picture in this series has Reece and Makena hanging on to Cade's jacket while he appears to dash off for dear life...
Makena in her favorite coat. She wears it inside. When it's 65 outside. Constantly.

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