Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our underutilized vacation spot

Brett's parents live on Badin Lake. Badin Lake is a mere 90 minutes from our door. Why, you may ask, have we not taken more advantage of this? I have no idea. For a while, at least one of the girls was in some developmental phase that presented challenges. Crawling on a weathered deck that needs some repair work...bad idea. An inability to maneuver down a challenging staircase...panic-attack inducing. A complete disregard for the sanity of Mamaw and Papaw's dog...well...we haven't progressed past that one yet, but we're working on it.
This past weekend, we took some friends with us. Makena, Reese and Cade ran themselves silly in the water, on the boat, in the house and in the yard. We kayaked, swam and, quite possibly the highlight of the entire weekend, caught our first fish!Makena and Aunt Holli on the boat
Reese loves boat ridesCheck this out! Makena should get used to riding Reese around on various vehicles...
And...for good measure...the catfish that cousin Ryan caught

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