Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I'm lazy. No beating around the bush here. I have to open my computer to blog (and my fun new iPad is much more fun to play on); I have to open a cabinet to get to my camera; really?? the effort is clearly just too huge!
I'm going to give each girl her own catch-up post in a few minutes but, right now I want to take a minute to put to words some of the things I have been feeling lately so I can look back on these words and remember. I am thankful for what God has given our family. The daily trials and tribulations of my days are minor in light of some of the struggles happening just outside our door. We are not rich (by America's warped standards), we do not live in a lavish house, our marriage is far from perfect, our children are people and people are flawed but, none the less, Brett has a job that he enjoys, we are surrounded by a supportive community of church and neighborhood friends, our families are nearby (and sane!), and our kids are thriving.

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