Monday, April 19, 2010

House Update #5

I think it's been over two weeks since I've posted about the house. We've made progress, but very slow progress. The replacement windows (for the remainder of the house) came in but were three inches (!!) too wide (fault of the delivery company, not any of our guys) so we sat on our thumbs for a week waiting for the correct ones to come in. That same week was full of inspections so we'd get the framing complete one day, then spend the next day waiting for the inspector. Insulation up the day after that (a 20 minute procedure), then another day waiting for an inspector. Last week was siding (which is up but not painted- our back door neighbors just loooove their view right now!) and sheetrock. Holy dust, Batman. They also tore up all the grass under what will eventually be the deck so we've got one back door that leads to a 2' drop off onto the driveway and another that leads to a big patch of dirt (soon to be mud). Fun, messy times!


jen hunt said...

Wow, Jennifer! That looks so great.

The Balog Family said...

How exciting!! Looking good!!!