Friday, August 14, 2009

20 Questions, Anyone?

I read somewhere recently that the average 4-year-old asks 400 questions every day. Being the incredibly intellectual skeptic that I am, I quickly employed all my past learning and came to the astute conclusion that you can't trust everything you read on the interwebs. Obviously "they"' were wrong. Then, I started paying attention.
The first morning I took notice Makena had topped 50 within the first hour of the day. Granted, many (I repeat, many) questions get repeated ad nauseum, but still. By 8:30, she had gathered every detail on what we were planning, who had just called (and what that person was doing, where she was going, where her kids were, what she ate for breakfast...), and the movie Brett and I watched the night before.
Today, we went down to the greenway to ride bikes. Great outing if you haven't tried it yet! Anyway- here's a sample of the questions she asked:
  • are there snakes in that water?
  • is that a snake?
  • are there snakes in that grass?
  • can I pet your dog? (repeat for every dog we passed- at least 15)
  • (to the elderly gentleman out for a leisurly bike ride) why are you not wearing a helmet?
  • (to the lady jogging who was not slender but clearly not pregnant) do you have a baby in your tummy?
  • is that a playground? (no, it's someone's back yard)
  • why? (because it is- do you see the fence around it?)
  • can we play in it? (no)
  • why? (because it's someone's back yard)
  • why? (because it is, do you see the fence around it?)
  • can we play in it? .....
  • why is that man riding so fast? (I don't know, maybe he's in a hurry)
  • (to fast man) why are you in a hurry?
So there you have 14 questions- a fraction of what came out of her mouth during our hour-and-fifteen minute outing. Reese is coming along, too. Thankfully, she hasn't gotten to the point of asking the same thing 27 times yet. I'm sure that day is not far off.


kimberlybender said...

I think you might have read that on my blog...I heard it on the radio! I love this post, but makes me a little afraid of how Luke will progress with his question-asking as he gets closer to 4! Entertaining if you're in the right mood, tiring if you're tired!

The White Family said...

that is hilarious!


You crack me up!!! Jason and I are sitting here laughing with tears rolling down our faces. I guess that means at one point when the girls were 4 we were fielding 800+ questions a day!