Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Favorite Pet Peeves

Just think of this post as my version of Oprah's "Favorite Things"...minus the refrigerators and croissants.
Pre-recorded political phone calls. These are out of control this year and the level of pandering only goes to prove that the politicians all think we're a bunch of lemmings whose minds can be changed with a generic message. Michelle Obama called me one day. Thanks to her, I know that there is early voting here in North Carolina. Whew. Neither John nor Cindy McCain has yet to call me, but I'm hopeful. A group called "Americans for Job Security" called yesterday. I can only assume that, since I am not a member of said group, they think I enjoy mass corporate turnover rates.
People who turn right in order to turn left. Have you ever noticed that some people get into the left-turn lane only to swerve back into the go-straight lane in a misguided effort to make a ridiculously wide left turn? You're not in an eighteen wheeler, you're in a Prius. Your turning radius can handle 90 degrees. Get out of my lane.
"I don't believe in...". An aggravating phrase when misused. "I don't believe in Santa": fine- your choice- enjoy the coal you find in your stocking. "I don't believe in God": also fine- let me know how that turns out for you . "I don't believe in ghosts": your call. "I don't believe in the lottery (insert your choice of controversial topic here)": not fine. You can choose not to believe in it but, generally speaking, that's going to be a losing battle for you. The lottery/whatever exists. Denying its existence seems rather silly, no?
2 year olds who don't nap. Further explanation should not be necessary.


kimberlybender said...

these are about when lazy parents let their unruly, too big children run wild in a play area meant for small, young children...that's mine!

The Eichs said...

Can I say how thankful I am that I can answer my home phone again without shouting expletives into it? yes, I shouted at pre-recorded messages.