Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Holden Beach 2008

We just returned from our second annual multi-family trip to Holden Beach (NC). Despite vacating the island a day earlier than planned thanks to Hurricane Hanna, we had gorgeous weather and a great time! This year we totalled 4 families- 8 adults and 8 kids under the age of 5. Insanity? Yes; but the kids did really well- save the occasional hair pull or nap-refusal- and the adults had a Wii and plenty of wine so all was well!
Here are a few favorite pictures. I'll add a link on the left to more pictures soon.
Makena in a hole dug by Daddy. If only I could contain her like this at home...
Reese swimming- our house had a private pool- the best beach invention yet.
All the girls (six of the eight kids- Bradley and Bennett- aka "the good nappers" were doing what they do best)
A preview of 10 years from now? Hannah, Reese, Makena and Leah lounging in the sun
Mommy and the girls on an evening beach walk

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