Swimming. Some swimming. And a little more swimming. I neglected to give adequate recognition to this when it happened but, about a month ago, Makena got her green band from the Y and Reese got her yellow. They wear them anytime they're within half a mile of water.
We've also had a weekly playdate/dinner date with the families who were in Reese's preschool class last year. It was a small class and the kids absolutely loved each other. It's actually a little head-turning how well they all get along...and the parents got to be good friends, too. So we've gathered at rotating houses once a week all summer and let the kids (and siblings) play. The grown ups are able to sit and chat and have a leisurly dinner once we stick the kids in front of a movie. Spouses show up at dinner time and we hardly ever break up until 9. It makes for late nights, but they're fun!
One of the families has a backyard pool and that, of course, is the favorite gathering place. Makena spends most of her time racing off the diving board (cannonballs are a favorite). Reese alternates her time between very fanciful jumps off the board and diving to the bottom for treasure.
Hope you're as waterlogged as we are!